niedziela, 19 lipca 2015

Plans for randomize

This past week I have spent time trying to establish some testing framework for C++ methods and also trying to create a model for what the abstract base classes for cool, cost and permute should look like. I would like them to have the following methods/members:
  • Cost (Cost_fcn):
    • const Matrix *series
      -> pointer to the series for which a surrogate is generated
    • double cost
      -> current cost
    • void cost_transform (Matrix *)
      -> initial transformation which is used for better calculation of cost
    • Matrix cost_invert () const
      -> assigns to the input variable the inverse of the transformation performed above (to get the actual surrogate, not just a representation of it in a different form)
    • double cost_update (octave_idx_type nn1, octave_idx_type nn2, double cmax, bool &accept)
      -> perform quick update of cost (for a swap of elements under index nn1 and nn2) and decide if cost is smaller than maximum cost (cmax) if yes, accept new cost and return true otherwise reject new cost and return false
    • double cost_full()
      -> performs a full calculation of the cost, takes longer than cost_update()
    • getters/setters for cost
  • Cool (Cool_fcn):
    • double temp
      -> holds the current temperature
    • double cool (double cost, bool accept, bool &end)
      -> takes current cost, accept which holds whether the last cost_update() was accepted or not and returns the new temp and sets flag end to indicate if the simulated annealing is over
  • Permute (Permute_fcn):
    • Matrix *series
      -> holds the pointer to the series, and modifies the series only when exch() is called
    • void permute (octave_idx_type &n1, octave_idx_type &n2) const
      -> generates two indexes n1 and n2 that can be used to calculate Cost_fcn::cost_update()
    • void exch (octave_idx_type n1, octave_idx_type n2)
      -> exchange element under n1 with element under n2 in the series
Those are the methods I intend to have in the base/abstract classes which will be called by the Simulated Annealing runner code. I have not decided what that code should look like, but the current version seems to be working as well as the randomize program from TISEAN package.

I was also hoping to create a subclass of each of those abstract classes built to call GNU Octave code. This would allow the user to create their own functions without having to write anything in C++. However, this idea might not be practical for the following reasons:
  1. The example of Simulated Annealing provided in the TISEAN package (ver. 3.0.1), takes about 0.7 seconds to run using only C++ code and performs on average 900,000 calls to Cost_fcn::cost_update() and calling a simple function in Octave that many times (using the for loop) took 16 seconds
  2. I have trouble deciding how to neatly pass these functions/classes to randomize along with some parameters the user might want to include. I originally thought of using classdef - the new keyword introduced in Octave 4.0.0. I hoped to create an abstract Octave class and then let anyone subclass it to create their own cost, cool and permute classes. The problem is that classdef and all of the associated keywords are not documented, moreover according to Carnë Draug the help function will not recognize this new type of Octave class. So even if all of the needed functionality was available in Octave I might not be able to document it for the user
If obstacle 2. can be overcome it might still be beneficial for the package to create this type of functionality, regardless of how long the code will execute.

This week I plan to refine the design of the abstract classes as well as port more of the cost function options from TISEAN.

[Update]: I modified the design a bit and updated this post to fit the new code.

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