czwartek, 20 sierpnia 2015

Summary of project

I have not written a post in a long while because I have had family issues. Although my progress was hampered, it was not completely halted. I was able to add some more features and clean some of the old code up. I have added two new sections with five new functions:
  • Testing for nonlinearity:
    • surrogates
    • endtoend
    • timerev
  • Spike trains:
    • spikeauto
    • spikespec
They are complete with documentation and some demos. The wiki has also been updated with a demo of surrogates. Thus the original plan has been completed apart from some of the functions in the final section Tutorial and randomize. There have been some additional functions: endtoend, spikeauto, spikespec and av_d2. These were added as a logical addition to the existing function.

What happened to randomize?

The first time I read the documentation and tried to plan the project I did not realize how big randomize is. Therefore, once I realized that it was a toolbox and not a function I needed to design how this toolbox should work with/in Octave. This took about a week of my time. I have not had any experience designing anything similar to randomize. I considered it an interesting challenge. I tried to create a hybrid that could use C++ and Octave functions to run simulated annealing. I wanted the main loop to be in C++ because this algorithm cannot be vectorized, so it will run slowly on Octave. 

My plan was to create some "runner" that can call some abstract methods of the base cost function class. I was able to accomplish this only partly, even though I introduced some polymorphism I only created one cost function (I did not finish the second one). This one cost function and the runner worked properly (as tested against the results from TISEAN). I was even able to do a type of pausing (like in other functions in the package), which allows the user to break the execution without having to kill Octave. All of this worked correctly with the one cost function. My plan was to modify the code to ensure the runner could manage any type of cost functions (that inherit from the base cost function class) once the second cost function was completed

Afterwards, I planned to create a base abstract class in Octave using classdef and similar keywords. Then I would have created an instance of the C++ class that would run the Octave methods using polymorphism. This was not possible however because classdef (and similar keywords) are yet not fully supported by Octave. They are not parsed properly by help, are not documented and not all of the Matlab functionality is present as of now.

Looking back at this attempt of porting the randomize toolbox I believe that with a good plan it could have taken more than half of my programming time this summer to create a complete toolbox with good tests and documentation. I do not regret trying to port it, but I think I can say that this part was not completed, even though much work was put into it.

All of the code created is placed in 'devel' folder. There are also some tests there that utilize the cgreen (cgreen++ actually) framework. It is almost completely undocumented, as I spent most of my time developing new code.

Other thoughts

I am very pleased with the support of the community. I expected they wouldn't have time to help, and at first I had trouble receiving the help I need, but once I understood what time (depending on who was online) to ask for help and which channel to use it became my biggest help in completing the project. My project needed help from people who knew things about how Octave was written in C++ and not just Octave developers. There were plenty of people who could assist me in just that.

One of the most exciting moments of the whole project was when I saw a problem on the mailing list that I encountered a few weeks earlier and could give some ideas on how to solve it.

If I were to do the project all over again and have to choose between the help of the community and the experience I have today after working on this project for over 3 months I would choose the community, because there are so many knowledgeable people there that know the inns and outs of Octave.